Dementia Friendly Newtown Presentation to be held September 19
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Dementia Friendly Newtown Presentation to be held September 19
Event Date: 9/19/2010

Pickering Manor and the Dementia Society of America will host a presentation entitled "Working Towards a Dementia Friendly Newtown" on Thursday, September 19, 2019 at the Newtown Theatre, 120 N. State Street, Newtown, PA from 2pm to 4pm.

As the "Silver Tsunami" of 65-year-olds grow older, so do the complex needs of this generation. There are 40.3 million people aged 65 and older in the United States. According to the Department of Aging, more people will celebrate their 86th birthday than ever before. Once a person reaches the age of 85, their chance of developing dementia will double. 

Pickering Manor has partnered with the Dementia Society of America on this timely presentation. This event is free and open to the public. Local first responders, business owners (currently 2,500 in Newtown, PA), professionals, and interested community members are invited. 

The presentation will include a short screening of the 35-minute film "My Million Dollar Mom" by Ross Schriftman ( Mr. Schriftman will be present to answer any questions.  Operation Keepsafe ID will also be present to distribute "My ID sleeves". For questions and to register for this event, please contact Meri Barboni at (215) 968-3878 Ext. 7238. For more information about Pickering Manor, visit 

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